Hand-drawn canvas with Processing/p5.js

Trying to make some hand-drawn canvas with Processing/p5.js.

Are you tired of using a square canvas in your creative coding?

So I would like to make a hand-drawn canvas with Processing/p5.js. I referenced this tweet by miku san.

👉 この記事は日本語でも読めます。


It may bring us a way of expression like the undercoating of existing artwork.

A Veil, a Printed Image 1891 Odilon Redon

A Veil, a Printed Image 1891 Odilon Redon French | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Open Access


Drawing a rectangle canvas with four hand-drawn lines.

You can draw a hand-drawn line with the method in the tweet I referenced above. And drawing a hand-drawn line on four sides of a rectangle should make a hand-drawn rectangle.

Four sides of a rectangle

Processing/p5.js function like 'vertex()' can draw lines.

And also filled rectangles.


An example code of Processing.

You can draw curved shapes with Processing function 'bezierVertex()'.

bezierVertex() | Reference / Processing.org

Here is the example code of filled rectangle.

 * Hand-drawn canvas.
 * ref. https://twitter.com/BaroqueEngine/status/1580529748115353602
 * @author @deconbatch
 * @version 0.1
 * @license CC0
 * Processing 3.5.3
 * created 2022.10.17

void setup(){
  size(640, 800);
  colorMode(HSB, 360.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0);

  float margin = 120.0;
  background(0.0, 0.0, 90.0, 100.0);
  translate(margin * 0.5, margin * 0.5);
  fill(40.0, 15.0, 80.0, 100.0);
  handDrawnRect(width - margin, height - margin, 0.05);


 * handDrawnRect : draw hand-drawn rectangle
 * _w, _h : rectangle width, height
 * _t     : twist ratio
void handDrawnRect(float _w, float _h, float _t) {
  twistedVertex(0.0, 0.0, _w, 0.0, _t); // upper
  twistedVertex(_w, 0.0, _w, _h, _t);   // right
  twistedVertex(_w, _h, 0.0, _h, _t);   // bottom
  twistedVertex(0.0, _h, 0.0, 0.0, _t); // left

 * handDrawnRect : draw background
 * _sx, _sy : start point
 * _ex, _ey : end point
 * _t       : twist ratio
void twistedVertex(float _sx, float _sy, float _ex, float _ey, float _t) {
  float dLen = dist(_sx, _sy, _ex, _ey) * _t;
  float secL = random(0.2, 0.4);
  float trdL = secL * 2.0;

  vertex(_sx, _sy);
               lerp(_sx, _ex, secL) + random(-1.0, 1.0) * dLen,
               lerp(_sy, _ey, secL) + random(-1.0, 1.0) * dLen,
               lerp(_sx, _ex, trdL) + random(-1.0, 1.0) * dLen,
               lerp(_sy, _ey, trdL) + random(-1.0, 1.0) * dLen,


An example code of p5.js.

You can draw curved shapes with the function 'bezierVertex()' in p5.js also.

bezierVertex() | reference | p5.js

The example code here is the same as the example code of Processing. I wrote this for your convenience.

 * Hand-drawn canvas.
 * ref. https://twitter.com/BaroqueEngine/status/1580529748115353602
 * @author @deconbatch
 * @version 0.1
 * p5.js 1.1.3
 * created 2022.10.17

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 800);
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);

  const margin = 120.0;
  background(0, 0, 90, 100);
  translate(margin * 0.5, margin * 0.5);
  fill(40, 15, 80, 100);
  handDrawnRect(width - margin, height - margin, 0.03);

 * handDrawnRect : draw hand-drawn rectangle
 * _w, _h : rectangle width, height
 * _t     : twist ratio
function handDrawnRect(_w, _h, _t) {
  twistedVertex(0.0, 0.0, _w, 0.0, _t); // upper
  twistedVertex(_w, 0.0, _w, _h, _t);   // right
  twistedVertex(_w, _h, 0.0, _h, _t);   // bottom
  twistedVertex(0.0, _h, 0.0, 0.0, _t); // left

 * handDrawnRect : draw background
 * _sx, _sy : start point
 * _ex, _ey : end point
 * _t       : twist ratio
function twistedVertex(_sx, _sy, _ex, _ey, _t) {
  const dLen = dist(_sx, _sy, _ex, _ey) * _t;
  const secL = random(0.2, 0.4);
  const trdL = secL * 2.0;

  vertex(_sx, _sy);
               lerp(_sx, _ex, secL) + random(-1.0, 1.0) * dLen,
               lerp(_sy, _ey, secL) + random(-1.0, 1.0) * dLen,
               lerp(_sx, _ex, trdL) + random(-1.0, 1.0) * dLen,
               lerp(_sy, _ey, trdL) + random(-1.0, 1.0) * dLen,

Also, you can draw hand-drawn lines using a 'p5.scribble' library, etc.

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 800);
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);

  const margin = 60.0;
  background(0, 0, 90, 100);

  const sb = new Scribble();
  const xc = [margin, width - margin,
              width - margin, margin]
  const yc = [margin, margin,
              height - margin, height - margin]
  stroke(40, 15, 80, 100);
  sb.scribbleFilling(xc, yc, 5, -30);

Rectangle drawn by p5.scribble


Just a moment.

For matching the four vertices, I did not add randomness at a start and an endpoint.

It draws a weird shape if I add randomness at a start and an endpoint. It looks like a shape that someone forced to draw with a single stroke.

Someone forced to draw a rectangle with a single stroke

It should look good if you draw lines one by one with surrounding with 'beginShape()' and 'endShape()'.

Rectangle with four hand-drawn lines.


Not for imitating the masterpiece.

Now, I've come to be able to draw hand-drawn canvas. All that's left is what I should draw on this canvas.

I said before 'It may bring us a way of expression like the undercoating of existing artwork'. I do not mean that it's for imitating the masterpiece. I want to add some flavor to my creative coding artwork.

I think I should keep seeking creative coding unique expression.

Example artwork
Example artwork


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