Image manipulation artwork using the Vector Field technique

Vector field makes cat photo a swirl lines. Generative art made with code.
Calico Cat · Free Stock Photo

Vector field makes cat photo a swirl lines. Generative art made with code.
Close-Up Photography of Tabby Cat · Free Stock Photo


How the Vector Field change original photo image?

It's an image manipulation type creative coding made with the 'Processing'.

This is an idea of Vector Field written by GenerateMe. I admired the vector field effect on an image in this article.

Drawing vector field

I drew 4 vector fields with different parameters. So I tried to use 4 parameters holding classes to draw. And I did not hold 2 parameters that are common value with each vector field.
Did I make well?

This code does not display any images on screen but generates image files.


The 'Processing' code example.

Please feel free to use this example code under the terms of the GPL.
To see other works based on my code is my pleasure. And my honor.

 * SteaMew.
 * apply vector field effect on photo image.
 * reference :
 * run : processing-java --force --sketch=/path/to/SteaMew/ --run "image path"
 * @author @deconbatch
 * @version 0.1
 * Processing 3.2.1
 * 2019.02.24

 * main
void setup() {

  size(1080, 1080);
  colorMode(HSB, 360.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0);


void draw() {

  int caseWidth  = 50;
  int baseCanvas = width - caseWidth * 2;

  // I brought vector field parameters in class.
  VectorParams bp = new BackgroundParams();
  VectorParams ep = new EdgeParams();
  VectorParams rp = new RoughEdgeParams();
  VectorParams dp = new DetailEdgeParams();

  ImageLoader imgLoader = new ImageLoader(baseCanvas);
  PImage img = imgLoader.load();
  int edgeAry[][] = detectEdge(img);
  translate((width - img.width) / 2, (height - img.height) / 2);
  for (int imgCnt = 0; imgCnt < 3; ++imgCnt) {

    // draw vector field pattern with nice parameters.
    // I did not bring these common parameters in class. Am I doing right thing?
    float plotMult = 0.3 + 0.4 * imgCnt;
    float noiseDiv = 0.007;
    background(0.0, 0.0, 90.0, 100.0);
    drawVector(bp, plotMult, noiseDiv, img, edgeAry);
    drawVector(ep, plotMult, noiseDiv, img, edgeAry);
    drawVector(rp, plotMult, noiseDiv, img, edgeAry);
    drawVector(dp, plotMult, noiseDiv, img, edgeAry);

    saveFrame("frames/" + String.format("%04d", imgCnt + 1) + ".png");




 * drawVector : draw vector field.
 * @param  _vp       : vector field parameters class.
 * @param  _plotMult : vector field shape parameter. field shape flow < curl
 * @param  _noiseDiv : vector field shape parameter. point location little effect < big effect
 * @param  _img      : origimal photo image.
 * @param  _edge     : detented edge information.
private void drawVector(VectorParams _vp, float _plotMult, float _noiseDiv, PImage _img, int[][] _edge) {

  float plotMult   = _plotMult;
  float noiseDiv   = _noiseDiv;

  int   plotCntMax = _vp.plotCntMax();
  int   initDiv    = _vp.initDiv();
  float plotDiv    = _vp.plotDiv();
  float baseSiz    = _vp.baseSiz();

  // draw vector field
  for (int xInit = 0; xInit < _img.width; xInit += initDiv) {
    for (int yInit = 0; yInit < _img.height; yInit += initDiv) {
      if (_vp.isTarget(_edge, xInit, yInit)) {

        color original = _img.pixels[yInit * _img.width + xInit];

        float xPoint = xInit * 1.0;
        float yPoint = yInit * 1.0;
        for (int plotCnt = 0; plotCnt < plotCntMax; ++plotCnt) {

          float plotRatio = map(plotCnt, 0, plotCntMax, 0.0, 1.0);
          float eHue      = _vp.hueVal(_img, xInit, yInit, floor(xPoint), floor(yPoint));
          float eSat      = saturation(original);
          float eBri      = brightness(original);
          float eAlp      = 100.0 * (1.0 - plotRatio);
          float eSiz      = pow(baseSiz * sin(PI * plotRatio), 2);

          float xPrev = xPoint;
          float yPrev = yPoint;
          xPoint += plotDiv * cos(TWO_PI * sin(TWO_PI * noise(xPrev * noiseDiv, yPrev * noiseDiv)) * plotMult);
          yPoint += plotDiv * sin(TWO_PI * cos(TWO_PI * noise(yPrev * noiseDiv, xPrev * noiseDiv)) * plotMult);

          fill(eHue % 360.0, eSat, eBri, eAlp);
          ellipse(xPoint, yPoint, eSiz, eSiz);


 * detectEdge : detect edge of photo image.
 * @param  _img      : detect edge of thid image.
 * @return int[x][y] : 2 dimmension array. it holds 0 or 1, 1 = edge
private int[][] detectEdge(PImage _img) {

  int edgeAry[][] = new int[_img.width][_img.height];
  for (int idxW = 0; idxW < _img.width; ++idxW) {  
    for (int idxH = 0; idxH < _img.height; ++idxH) {
      edgeAry[idxW][idxH] = 0;
  for (int idxW = 1; idxW < _img.width - 1; ++idxW) {  
    for (int idxH = 1; idxH < _img.height - 1; ++idxH) {

      int pixIndex = idxH * _img.width + idxW;

      // saturation difference
      float satCenter = saturation(_img.pixels[pixIndex]);
      float satNorth  = saturation(_img.pixels[pixIndex - _img.width]);
      float satWest   = saturation(_img.pixels[pixIndex - 1]);
      float satEast   = saturation(_img.pixels[pixIndex + 1]);
      float satSouth  = saturation(_img.pixels[pixIndex + _img.width]);
      float lapSat = pow(
                         - satCenter * 4.0
                         + satNorth
                         + satWest
                         + satSouth
                         + satEast
                         , 2);

      // brightness difference
      float briCenter = brightness(_img.pixels[pixIndex]);
      float briNorth  = brightness(_img.pixels[pixIndex - _img.width]);
      float briWest   = brightness(_img.pixels[pixIndex - 1]);
      float briEast   = brightness(_img.pixels[pixIndex + 1]);
      float briSouth  = brightness(_img.pixels[pixIndex + _img.width]);
      float lapBri = pow(
                         - briCenter * 4.0
                         + briNorth
                         + briWest
                         + briSouth
                         + briEast
                         , 2);

      // hue difference
      float hueCenter = hue(_img.pixels[pixIndex]);
      float hueNorth  = hue(_img.pixels[pixIndex - _img.width]);
      float hueWest   = hue(_img.pixels[pixIndex - 1]);
      float hueEast   = hue(_img.pixels[pixIndex + 1]);
      float hueSouth  = hue(_img.pixels[pixIndex + _img.width]);
      float lapHue = pow(
                         - hueCenter * 4.0
                         + hueNorth
                         + hueWest
                         + hueSouth
                         + hueEast
                         , 2);

      // bright and saturation difference
      if (
          brightness(_img.pixels[pixIndex]) > 30.0
          && lapSat > 20.0
          ) edgeAry[idxW][idxH] = 1;

      // bright and some saturation and hue difference
      if (
          brightness(_img.pixels[pixIndex]) > 30.0
          && saturation(_img.pixels[pixIndex]) > 10.0
          && lapHue > 100.0
          ) edgeAry[idxW][idxH] = 1;

      // just brightness difference
      if (lapBri > 100.0) edgeAry[idxW][idxH] = 1;


  return edgeAry;

 * ImageLoader : load and resize image
public class ImageLoader {

  PImage imgInit;
  String imgPass;

  ImageLoader(int baseCanvas) {

    if (args == null) {
      // you can use your photo in ./data/your_image.jpg
      imgPass = "your_image.jpg";
    } else {
      // args[0] must be image path
      imgPass = args[0];
    imgInit = loadImage(imgPass);
    float rateSize = baseCanvas * 1.0 / max(imgInit.width, imgInit.height);
    imgInit.resize(floor(imgInit.width * rateSize), floor(imgInit.height * rateSize));

    println(int(imgInit.width)); // Image width
    println(int(imgInit.height)); // Image height


   * load : return loaded image
  public PImage load() {
    return imgInit;


 * VectorParams : holding vector field parameters.
interface VectorParams {

   * isTarget : is this point(x, y) drawing target?
   * @return true : draw target
  Boolean isTarget(int _points[][], int _x, int _y);

   * hueVal : returns which color, Init point or Pass point?
   * I think this is not a smart way.
   * @return img point hue value
  float hueVal(PImage _img, int _xInit, int _yInit, int _xPass, int _yPass);

   * just returns parameter value
  int   plotCntMax();
  int   initDiv();
  float plotDiv();
  float baseSiz();


public class BackgroundParams implements VectorParams {
  public Boolean isTarget(int _points[][], int _x, int _y) {
    // every point
    return true;
  public float hueVal(PImage _img, int _xInit, int _yInit, int _xPass, int _yPass) {
    // returns Pass point hue value = original image hue
    // it makes strange color effect, because draw with NOT original saturation and brightness.
    int xCol = floor(constrain(_xPass, 0, _img.width - 1));
    int yCol = floor(constrain(_yPass, 0, _img.height - 1));
    return hue(_img.pixels[yCol * _img.width + xCol]);
  public int plotCntMax() {
    return 300;
  public int initDiv() {
    return 5;
  public float plotDiv() {
    return 1.0;
  public float baseSiz() {
    return 2.0;


public class EdgeParams implements VectorParams {

  public Boolean isTarget(int _points[][], int _x, int _y) {
    // only edge is target
    if (_points[_x][_y] == 1) {
      return true;
    return false;
  public float hueVal(PImage _img, int _xInit, int _yInit, int _xPass, int _yPass) {
    // returns Init point hue value = hue of vector field drawing start point
    // it makes same color in each vector field line.
    int xCol = floor(constrain(_xInit, 0, _img.width - 1));
    int yCol = floor(constrain(_yInit, 0, _img.height - 1));
    return hue(_img.pixels[yCol * _img.width + xCol]);

  public int plotCntMax() {
    return 100;
  public int initDiv() {
    return 2;
  public float plotDiv() {
    return 1.0;
  public float baseSiz() {
    return 1.5;

public class RoughEdgeParams extends EdgeParams {

  public int plotCntMax() {
    return 40;
  public int initDiv() {
    return 1;
  public float baseSiz() {
    return 1.0;

public class DetailEdgeParams extends EdgeParams {

  public int plotCntMax() {
    return 20;
  public int initDiv() {
    return 1;
  public float baseSiz() {
    return 1.2;

Copyright (C) 2019- deconbatch

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>


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  • Rashed Shaon
    Rashed Shaon Sunday, December 26, 2021

    The Photo Editing is a professional clipping path service company based in India, operated by dedicated and highly experienced professionals.

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